Inicio: 26 marzo 2025

Mode: Live online

Duration: 5 months

Horario: Todas las sesiones empiezan a las 19.00 horas (hora de España) con una duración de entre 1 hora y media y 3 horas.

Especialidades a elegir: 

  • Gestión del talento y el bienestar
  • Positive psychology in organizations
  • Training and assessment in organizations
  • Conflict and adversity management
  • Affective and sexual education
  • Educación según los niveles educativos 

Cada Diploma se compone de 3 módulos. Los primeros 2 módulos son compartidos para todas las especialidades. El tercer módulo es de libre elección para obtener la especialidad deseada

Start: March 26, 2025

Mode: Live online

Duration: 5 months

Schedule: All sessions start at 18:00 (Spain time) and last between 2 and 3 hours.

Price: 750€

Specialties to choose from:

  • Talent and well-being management
  • Positive psychology in organizations
  • Training and assessment in organizations
  • Conflict and adversity management
  • Affective and sexual education
  • Education according to educational levels

Each Diploma consists of 3 modules. The first 2 modules are shared across all specialties. The third module is elective to obtain the desired specialty.

First and second module (mandatory)

  1. Conceptual framework of emotions.
  2. Structure of emotions.
  3. Emotional intelligence.
  4. Emotional competencies.
  5. Emotional education.
Emotional competencies
  1. Emotional awareness.
  2. Emotional regulation.
  3. Emotional autonomy.
  4. Social competencies.
  5. Life skills and well-being.

Specialization (third module. Choose one of them)

Specializations related to education.

  1. Emotional development
  2. Emotional education in early childhood education.
  3. Emotional education in primary education.
  4. Emotional education in secondary education.
  5. Standards of emotional education.
  1. Sexual Education.
  2. Affective development and sexual practices.
  3. Biological aspects and sexual health.
  4. Love, sex-affective and sexual relationships.
  5. Paraphilias, fetishes, odd habits, and phobias.

Specializations related to organizations.

  1. Emotional intelligence in organizations: Characteristics and proposals.
  2. Levels of analysis of emotional intelligence.
  3. Social aspects of emotions.
  4. Emotional leadership.
  5. People department.

  1. Positive psychology in organizations.
  2. Well-being in organizations.
  3. CHO (Chief Happiness Officer).
  4. Mindset. 
  5. Grit.

  1. Formación en inteligencia emocional en las organizaciones.
  2. Training in emotional intelligence in organizations.
  3. Measurement of emotional intelligence.
  4. Measurement and evaluation of emotional competencies.
  5. Instruments for the assessment of emotional aspects.

    1. Career development in organizations.
    2. Talent management.
    3. Group Emotional Intelligence.
    4. Management of diversity with emotional Intelligence.
    5. The 7 habits of highly effective people.

Specializations transversal to all areas.

    1. Conflict management.
    2. Stress prevention.
    3. Frustration tolerance.
    4. Anger management for violence prevention.
    5. Emotions in grief situations.

Why study the Diploma at FEEM?

  We have some of the best teachers at an international level. You will have access to recognized experts in each field.

  We include a Personal Development Plan with a coach, where you will set your goals from the first session. 


  Do you have a team? A community of students? We offer support sessions to
implement emotional education in your community. 

  Tendrás acceso a 12 conferencias magistrales en las que relacionamos la educación emocional con otros temas de interés (inteligencia artificial, etc.)

  The sessions are live. Unlike other training programs, ours are live so you can take advantage of the synergies with classmates and instructors.

Train in emotional education with our internationally recognized teaching staff.

Rafael Bisquerra

Academic Director  Emotional Education

Mireia Cabero

Chief Happiness Officer

Ana Freire

Artificial Intelligence and Mental Health

Marta Portero


Cimenna Chao

Emotional Education

Juan Carlos Pérez

Emotional Education

Gabriel Vásquez

Organizational well-being

Esther Bonal

Music and emotion

Pablo Fernández-Berrocal

Emotional Intelligence

Adela Cavia

Emotional Education

Francesc Torralba

Spiritual Intelligence

Èlia López

Emotional Education

Xavier Guix


Xavier Guix


María Navarrete

Emotional gymnastics

Alaíde Sipahi

Change management

Rafael Bisquerra

Director Académico. Educación Emocional.

Mireia Cabero

Chief Happiness Officer

Alaíde Sipahi

Gestión del cambio

Ana Freire

Inteligencia Artificial y Salud Mental

Marta Portero


Cimenna Chao

Educación Emocional

Juan Carlos Pérez

Educación Emocional

Gabriel Vásquez

Bienestar organizacional

Esther Bonal

Música y emoción

Pablo Fernández-Berrocal

Inteligencia Emocional

Adela Cavia

Educación Emocional

Francesc Torralba

Inteligencia Espiritual

Èlia López

Educación Emocional

Xavier Guix


What our students at FEEM say

Lo que dicen nuestros alumnos

"Training in emotional education has helped me in my personal growth, in acquiring tools to make decisions and relate appropriately not only with the people around me but also with myself, with all that this entails. In this way, I have also gained tools to foster the growth of my children."

Apart from all the tools they provide us with, there are the online sessions. For me, these have been a total pleasure, the teachers are very innovative in their sessions and very close to us; we have played, experimented, reflected, laughed and even cried in my case. I take each one of them inside me as part of my personal growth.

I really enjoyed it and I will continue to grow with the FEEM community."

Maria José Salaburu, student of the 2nd edition

I couldn't be happier with the decision I made to start my training with Dr. Rafael Bisquerra and his wonderful team of teachers. Throughout the modules, they will provide you with a lot of practical and theoretical material on emotional education. Perhaps the most important aspect of the whole process is the human quality of the people who will be accompanying you. When you finish the training, you will undoubtedly have improved your professional and, above all, your emotional skills.

Sofía Espinar, student of the 1st edition 

I would like to encourage you to follow this training which allows the possibility to take different courses in a flexible way and organised in modules that are combined with content review meetings, questions or workshops; which makes these studies very innovative. It is definitely worthwhile to be trained in emotional competences. It has a positive impact on interpersonal and social relationships, emotional climate, conflict management, frustration tolerance, resilience, anger regulation... I believe that we all need training in emotional education. Do not hesitate to start it.

Rocío Espinel, student of the 1st edition 

"Training in emotional education has helped me in my personal growth, in acquiring tools to make decisions and relate appropriately not only with the people around me but also with myself, with all that this entails. In this way, I have also gained tools to foster the growth of my children."

Apart from all the tools they provide us with, there are the online sessions. For me, these have been a total pleasure, the teachers are very innovative in their sessions and very close to us; we have played, experimented, reflected, laughed and even cried in my case. I take each one of them inside me as part of my personal growth.

I really enjoyed it and I will continue to grow with the FEEM community."

Maria José Salaburu, student of the 2nd edition

I couldn't be happier with the decision I made to start my training with Dr. Rafael Bisquerra and his wonderful team of teachers. Throughout the modules, they will provide you with a lot of practical and theoretical material on emotional education. Perhaps the most important aspect of the whole process is the human quality of the people who will be accompanying you. When you finish the training, you will undoubtedly have improved your professional and, above all, your emotional skills.

Sofía Espinar, student of the 1st edition 

I would like to encourage you to follow this training which allows the possibility to take different courses in a flexible way and organised in modules that are combined with content review meetings, questions or workshops; which makes these studies very innovative. It is definitely worthwhile to be trained in emotional competences. It has a positive impact on interpersonal and social relationships, emotional climate, conflict management, frustration tolerance, resilience, anger regulation... I believe that we all need training in emotional education. Do not hesitate to start it.

Rocío Espinel, student of the 1st edition 


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Gracias por tu interés en el Diplomado

En breve recibirás el programa del Máster en tu e-mail. Por favor, revisa la carpeta de correo no deseado si no lo recibes. 

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INEEW is an entity registered in the State Register of Training Entities with the number 99000262,
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